iO Cider Vinegar 8% with Vitamin B1 and Garlic helps build immunity-fighting bad bacteria, and promote good bacteria.
Used as a regular part of feeding, it is believed to assist with arthritis and joint conditions. Apple cider vinegar helps acidify the stomach for optimum digestion.
Quick Facts & Benefits: As a natural insect control, Apple Cider Vinegar has been known to cause thiamine (Vitamin B1) to be excreted through the skin, repelling flies and mosquitoes. Optimum levels of B vitamins (particularly B1) in the body seem to discourage bugs
Dose Rates & Administration Instructions:
Horses : 60mL per animal per day
Cattle : 250mL per animal per day
Active Constituent: Thiamine (Vitamin B1) has a role in promoting carbohydrate metabolism providing increased energy. Vitamin B1 also has a role in nerve function. Some claim it calms animals. Whilst others claim it aids in heart and muscle function.